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Every contact between people is an exchage of emotions

Every contact between people is an exchage of emotions of various intensity; more or less conscious exchange of emotions. The person we are in contact with triggers an emotion in us, which makes us treat that person in the same way we treat other people from our life circle.

In the moment when we are reacting to something, we are not thinking primarily about the other, entering in relation with him or her, but trying to be conscious of our subjective self and emotions arising from the exchange. In rehabilitation and treatment activities and tasks, it is equally important to cofront emotions of our own, which are triggered by the person we are working with.

It is vital to look at the client in front of us as if we were him/her, even if for a brief moment. Starting from such multiple exchange of life cracks (if I may say so) and using various possibilities of expression close to artistic technniques, we look for ways for prevailing emotions to surface.

Art Therapie  Split, Ugljan, Zadar Sv.Frane (Croatia)